Friday, January 24, 2014

Itsy bitsy spider

Dear Wes,

Today as I was singing "itsy bitsy spider" to baby Ari, you did all the hand actions with her.  Mama thought that was adorable.  Today was a full day with mama and baby.  We did cushion leaping, played with beans, watched Sesame street and rode your tricycle around the house.  I know you can't wait until it gets warmer, so we can both play outside.  Love, Mom.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Word of the day- Yuck

Dear Wes,

As we were cushion leaping today, you said yuck, when you saw dirty stuff on the couch.  My little man of words.  Mom and dad love hearing you speak.  Just the other day you even said please without us prompting you to. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dear Wes, today you said please without me even prompting you. Mom and dad are so proud. At 27 months old r 2 1/2 you can also say shoe, boot, and recently George and ya.  So proud f my little man.

Dear ari,

At 3 1/2 months old birth age you rolled over today. That's wonderful considering your real age is 2.5 months old. Most kids don't roll until they are 4 months. We love how your growing stronger every day. Love mom and dad.