Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Funny Dayz

Today I brought out Wes' old Bumbo and Ari sat in it quite well. Except, big brother Wes was not liking the fact that the chair was not for him but for his little baby sister.  Here is a funny photo I took of them.

Reasons Why I Choose to Be a Stay At Home Mom

#1 Wes

#2 Ari

#3 GG has a way of undermining me when I discipline Wes. He spoils him without thinking of the consequences.For instance, when Wes started to pick food from GG's plate, I told him that was not appropriate and he started to cry.  GG then says its okay, he can have that.  My son just learned that with GG around he can and get anything he wants.

#4 After Wes came along, I always had the option to stay home but I chose not to because I still wanted to work.  But with work it comes with challenges like un-kept house, no time for nutritional meals, and less family time.  It's quite refreshing to have the option to stay home.

#5 I'm not giving up my teaching job.  I'm taking temporary leave to raise my own kids for a few years.  I think it is the greatest sacrifice a woman can make for her children.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bathroom Happiness

Today Wes went to the bathroom toilet and sat/ made sounds as if he is going to do number two.  It was  very cute.  I know this is one of the signs that he will be ready for potty training soon.  Also, Ari loves to giggle and use her voice now.  It's like she is just discovering her voice as a tool.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Yesterday, during dinner time Wes saw a bug on the kitchen window.  He follow his father's command and pick it up and threw it outside.  I asked him "do you want to eat bug?" he said "yuck!"

Monday, February 17, 2014

One Day Break

Yesterday, after a hike in Provo Canyon, we went to SLC for the whole day.  Bryce and I got well rested while Gong Gong, Ama and Uncle Marty took care of the babies.  It was very cute, it was beginning to snow/rain Uncle Marty rode along with Wes on his tricycle.  Gong Gong took care of Ari all day, craddling her, feeding her, and love her.  Ama took care of lunch and dinner.  All the while Bryce watched the olympics on tv, catch some snooze and played video games at Uncle Marty's house.  I went shopping at Ross and old navy, it was nice to have some time out of the house.

The kids did suffer the consequences though...Wes was extremly tired, with out a mid day nap he went to bed at 8pm.  The girl stayed up until 10pm and was fussing and crying all along, finally I gave her some baby advil and she was able to rest for a while.  She didn't wake up again until 1:19am and then 5:25am

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Making Peace

I'm lucky that I have the option to stay home.  Some women are forced to work yet, I have the chance to stay with my babies.  It's time to flipped my thought around because like everything else, being a SAHM will not be forever.  Seriously, I'm thinking two years since my current license will end June of 2017. 

Today I have a day off from work and being able to cuddle with Wes in the morning is very sweet and relaxing.  Plus today while I was putting away the dishes from the dishwasher, Wes began to put away his books and toys with out me asking! He is a handful but growing up too fast.

Long-Term Goal-Potty training Wes
Short-Term Goal-Communicating potty

Little Ari, do sometimes get short-handed because we are busy with entertaining Wes.  I feel sad sometimes that I'm not following her milestones as much as Wes.  But she is so adorable. I'm a lucky lady. 
Bryce really is a good family man.  I need to appreciate him for all that he does and not on what he could do.  It would make both of us much happier!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Raising Good Kids

I've been reading a book for work called "Building Moral Intelligence".  This book guides the reader to teach children the seven virtues necessary to raise well rounded kids.  It is targeted to children from 3-15 years old but according to the author raising empathic children starts from toddler age.  What I like about this book is that it gives the reader practical ideas that one can easily implement.  One idea suggested was to teach emotional vocabulary to children by writing a word (happy)/ and correlating picture (smiley person).

Raising good kids seems like such a monumental task, but I know that parents are kids first teachers and if we don't do it, my babies will miss out on this learning experience.

Mixed babies and Tolerance

At work yesterday, we had a presentation about teaching tolerance to our students.  The speaker is half/asian and half white.  Just like my Wes and Ari.  She struggled with identity and belonging issues throughout elementary grades.  It was not until 6th grade when she had a teacher taught her about embracing her culture.  This really made me think about Ari and Wes and the challenges they might face in the future.  Right now, mom and dad can teach you about the golden rule.  Also, through questioning, "What is different about you and Timba?" or by my own response to what you say about others.  "That lady is fat... yes, she is a big person" instead of No, no don't say that...makes them think fat is a bad word.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vocabulary Wizard

Dear Wes,

Today you learned ice while we were playing out in the backyard. You said "mom, shoe, ice" I think that was your way of putting a sentence together.  Yesterday, you said apple and rice.  Mom and dad are loving your language development.    Love you son.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Days like these are hard.  Wes is so antsy from staying home all day, but its raining and cold outside.  What to do?  If I see the movie Croods for the 20th time, I will scream!  Now he is playing in the garage.  Transitions....

Sunday, February 9, 2014

New Favorite things

Wes' can say catch, as in catch the ball and door. 

Ari is giggling and love watching Bryce and I play一角两角三角形 Love her giggles and laughs.


I went to post office to mail a letter for Bryce and left Wes in the car for a minute.  Came out and open the car door, when Wes yell "Mama!" you think he was being abused.  Anyhoo, a middle age lady, was being all judgy and kept saying OMG like I had left WES in the car for two hours! What the dare you judge. Only God can do that.

Life is hectic

We're now in the fourth month with Ari.  Life consist of feeding (both of them), changing diapers (both of them) and cleaning after both of them.  Bryce and I don't really have time to ourselves until both are in bed, usually after 8:30pm.

Gong gong and Ama are pretty good about letting us come visit once each week so we can relax and run errands while they take turns babysitting the little ones.  My brother Marty, will stock Ama's house with treats that he thinks Wes would like (fruit roll up and chocolate).   I could not do this without the support of my awesome family!!

Time to time I think about my future role as a stat at home mom....mixed feelings of course. First of all, we have little friends in this area, I will have to make new mommy friends.  Second, I'm uncertain about staying home all day with two kids under 3 years of age, what to do??! Lastly, I feel like I can contribute to dual immersion programs but I can't serve like I want to.

I've worked as a educator for nearly ten years now (Dec.2004, Academy Park intern) for me to take a break is quite challenging because its been a part of me for almost a decade.  I know it may not be the best for my career but it would be best for our children. Love is splendid!