Friday, November 28, 2014

10 Parenting Tips for Newbies

1. Be the bigger person. Use your judgment. And step in with determination not to be right but to make things right between the two of you. Kids are much less likely to remember whether you won or lost a particular fight or argument than to recall exactly how you made them feel.
2. Don’t pathologize your children to cover up your own poor parenting skills. Labeling a child or using (or worse, seeking) a diagnosis, such as ADD/ADHD or a personality disorder, to explain and excuse behavior that you should be addressing—-or that mirrors your unhealthy modeling—
3. Don’t make their drama your drama.  Put the focus where it belongs—-on your child—-and keep it there.  But don’t hang your emotional state on their emotional state or co-opt their experiences and feelings by making it all about you.
4. Understand the difference between criticizing and correcting. Children need guidance to stay on the right path. For many, discipline, self-control, and healthy habits don’t come naturally—-they’re learned. Be a guide, not a critic. Don’t call your kid lazy or stupid. Teach your child a work ethic and help build his or her academic skills. Challenge and goal setting motivates people and makes them try harder. Personal insults break their spirit and make them want to give up. Criticism weakens, while correction strengthens and opens the door for positive reinforcement.
5. Learn impulse control. We all get upset. We all yell. And at times, we all lose it when our children push our specific buttons or do incredibly annoying or obnoxious things. When this happens, we feel unheard, hurt, and disrespected, and tempted to strike back—-with harsh words, severe punishment, or physical blows. Learning how to contain your immediate reaction and formulate an appropriate response will not only model balance to your child but also create a calmer dynamic and stop you from saying and doing things you will later regret.

6. Remember that kids are vulnerable. We often forget this, because they’re so resilient. They cry, and then they stop crying. The next minute, or the next hour, their mood has changed, and everything is back to normal, at least on the surface. But if they’re integrating painful experience, it’s changing them, and if they’re denying it because it’s too painful to process, they’re looking at a crisis down the road and years, even a lifetime, of therapy. Children don’t necessarily tell you when their feelings about you have changed, when you have lost their respect or endangered their love for you. They may not even be consciously aware of their own breaking points, but they have them, as we all do, so handle with care if you want them to stay whole.
Guilt and shame are the sledgehammer and chainsaw in the parenting toolbox—-one hits kids over the head, while the other cuts them to the core.
7. Avoid using guilt and shame as consequences. Guilt and shame are the sledgehammer and chainsaw in the parenting toolbox—-one hits kids over the head, while the other cuts them to the core. Don’t whine about your hurt feelings if your child doesn’t want to bake cookies or go to the ball game with you. Don’t spout about how embarrassed you—-or Aunt Mildred—-will be if they fail biology or don’t make the tennis team. And don’t threaten horrors—-such as a life of poverty—-if your child’s grades don’t improve. This type of behavior is incendiary and utterly unhelpful. It saps your child’s confidence and makes him or her dependent on you or others for approval. Instead, help them understand their choices and the real consequences of their actions.
8. Don’t smother and infantilize; encourage self-sufficiency. We love doing things for our kids to make their lives easier and to help them succeed, and it’s our job to set up a good life for them. But there’s a difference between providing assistance and enabling helplessness, between setting the table and putting the food out and cutting it up and feeding it to your kid. Don’t allow your need to feel needed—-which may have roots in your own childhood—-to interfere with your child’s need to become self-reliant and independent. And don’t hover, because ultimately you’re giving your child the message that he or she can’t make it without your help.
The child grows up vowing not to have the relationship they see you having and at the same time lacking the tools to avoid it.
9. Master and model healthy conflict resolution with your partner. A toxic, dysfunctional dynamic with your partner will both impact your child’s ability to function in adult relationships and drive him or her away from your home. It creates a double-bind: the child grows up vowing not to have the relationship they see you having and at the same time lacking the tools to avoid it. If your own relationship is volatile or worse, violent, get help. This not only creates a safer environment for your children but also models the importance of solving problems instead of ignoring them or sweeping them under the rug.
10. Practice self-care. I’ve always believed that many of our worst parenting moments occur when we’re tired, stressed, sick, distracted or for whatever reasons, internally ragged. Taking good care of yourself—-maintaining good eating habits, exercising regularly, getting out (hire that sitter), and making time to do things you enjoy makes you healthier both physically and psychologically and gives you more energy to deal with your children. It also prevents you from resenting your kids for the sacrifices you make for them. And resentment is the precursor to contempt.
There are many different parenting styles, and in the absence of the instruction manual, we each find our own way. The advice here is intended to identify behaviors that are and aren’t beneficial to children and conducive to developing a healthy relationship with them once they become adults.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Intense Weekend

BOth B and me deal with with our everyday life with kids in different ways. Well, last weekend we were both at our breaking point.  A day after my all day sub gig, I came back home to reality and I was grumpy. Dealing with the messes, cleaning, crying, cartoon watching, whining, I started screaming out loud and at them.  I was sick, disgusted all day and tired.

While B watched them for 3 days, he had his breaking point when he kicked a hole in the laundry door.  He was wiping the boy's booty when his glasses fell and he kicked a huge hole. least he can feel my pain.

Center Ideas Pre School

 Listening Center
 Salt writing
 White board Practice

Attribute Buttons for colors, shapes, sizes, patterns, and threading.

Pre-school Thanksgiving Feast

Feast included:

Pop corn- for it was the native americans who taught the pilgrems to grow corn.
Cranberries- where on the land they had cranberries
Pumpkin bar- pumpkins
Slice of turkey- wild turkey

Sunday, November 23, 2014

TEaching Girls

On Girls and conflict:

You cannot prevent conflict. You cannot prevent all mean girl problems that your daughter is going to have. You cannot. What you can do is teach your child that conflict is inevitable and they need to learn how to manage that."

is helping girls understand the normal and healthy part of power-seeking while at the same time helping them realize the best means to achieve their goals without hurting others in the process.

it's not just what we say and do, but what we watch that sends a message to our daughters.

"Mainstream media is portraying girls at younger ages who are mimicking the worst of obnoxious, stereotypical girl behavior ... rolling eyes, moving the hips around, being catty," said Wiseman. "So what girls are getting is that by 8 or 9, this is sort of a 'normal' way to act."

Walking third week

Dear Ms.Ari,

At almost 14 months old, you can walk more confidently now.  I love how you can pick things up with out falling and walk around with objects in your hands.  Funny how just a few weeks ago you were walking with your hands high for balance. Now you are always on the go.

You can also point to daddy in pictures and point at mama. Very cute!

New Words

At 3 years and 3 months you can say alot!

Some examples include:

Anh go to halloween,  Anh went, happy birthday, presents, stretch, look daddy. This one, bye. Shopping mama. 

 Ferris wheel. Christmas, happy mad, sad.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


That's what I got for my hour trip with W to k to k.  It's a crummy, sunless, November day. Even though the items exchanged were well worth more but its a business.

I am short with the two of them. Not being able to leave the house, and  more emotional feelings inside.

Thinking of getting jobs back to elem schools and even at a daycare facility are these not distractions to avoid teaching my own kids?  I feel like I want to put my focus here and there so I would not have to deal with them. Sad to say, but this situation does drive me batty in the winter. Nothing to do outside, and no fun, no variety.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Student Teacher

Things that I liked about today's assisgnment:

Chants-celebrations on student acheivement 3 claps!

Teacher says: Action, Students say: Verb

Birthday candy for birthday person and he choose a candy in which another classmates hides then he comes back into the classroom, then his peers tell him if the candy is hot or cold to his location.

2nd Time in Second

Today I went to the same school in P that I went before.  I was surprised that some of the kids actually remember me and knew my name.  That was sweet.

I was with a student teacher so she did more of the work, while I walked around and helped. The most important part was at the end of the day. The boy K who I had the most troubled with focus and such came to me for a hug and I told him he was a good boy and smart.  Boy next to us took noticed this and said No one has ever told him that, and I was the only one ever to say that to him.  That made my day.有是一天六十五元吧.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pre School Week 3 Day 2

Other then W not following directions, I say we had a good week in school.

The children learned about thanksgiving. We practice writing our names, funny both girls can do it, but the boys only could write a letter each of their name.  Wes is still in the scribbling stage. Day 2 we also made a name monster using our names.

I also had them do centers and they seem to like that a lot.

Whiteboard/ Stamps

We also made a cute turkey with what we are thankful for...funny they all like trick or treat.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Home Preschool

I don't like teaching my own kid in home preschool.

1. He makes it impossible to teach others.
2. He wants to play and goof around.
3. Does not follow directions as asked.
4. No understanding of personal space.
5. Self-stimulates while others are reading quietly.
6. Eat other children's food.
7. Constantly dealing with "Wes is in my space!", "Wes is touching me!"
8. Can't leave the boys alone because he want to play with them.
9.  Girls just stay away from the boy.


1. He does share his toys better now than in September.
2. Potty when asked.
3. Models good behaviors from others. For example, during clean up time he saw all was cleaning up then he quickly when to clean up as well.

Monday, November 17, 2014



Thursday, November 13, 2014

Kindy from down Under

Wow. Even though 17 kids they gave me a run for my money. 4 girls (sweet) and 13 rambunctious boys.  Night and day from yesterday's kindy class.  We had one special needs child that runs and screams. 5 boys constantly goofing around and sucking all my attention and energy. Wow.

On a neat note, the teacher I sub for was a friend of Randy's and it was fun to catch up with her.

Subbing days Over?!

My dad tells me he does not want to do this.  He is frustrated and depressed.  W had Bm and not wanting to rest when he should.  He gives him tantrums to express his anger and slams the doors which wakes up A.  He is feeling defeated, lost, and heartache.  I feel sad about that.

Option B  Ask Bryce.

Walking Ari

Busy 4 day Work Week

Today I am going to my third assignment of the week. Normally, I take one job a week, at most, two jobs.  So this week going to four jobs is pretty intense for me and my little family.  Since B had V day off and for my b day he was going to take a friday off so I can work, this is in addition to Gong helping me twice a week.  Here are some notes I've learned being a sub for the last three months.

Kids are kids.  They want to be respected just like the rest of us.
Learning names is critical. It can be a powerful thing to acknowledge or to have a private conference.
Classroom management skills- Attention getter, count downs, state expectations clearly
Infuse- Share some of your own special skills ( Chinese, Songs, Movements)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Kindy

I went to a new school today and sub in a kindy class.  There was a student teacher there, which helped in giving kids continuity.  There was whole group learning as well as center time which may the half day go faster.

Center Time-

Write around the room - using clipboard and paper.
Listening station- Each child had a copy of the book
Ipad station- Rocket speller
Salt writing- using a colored plate students practice writing letters and numbers on this plate.

Going from 5th grade to kindy sure was a change, I had to tie shoelaces, make sure movement was incorporated into the lesson. But overall, this kindy class was pretty good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

5th Grade Fun

I got to work in a fifth grade class, half day.  Just right.  This was a e-mints classroom, pair of students share a mac desktop with their classmate.  They had computer class, PE class, it was really a nice time for me.  Funny how 5th graders still like learning Chinese and I use it to my advantage.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Leaves Dancing

Today was a chilly, and windy November day.  W and I was by the office window when he said to me "Mama, leaves dancing"  That was pretty cute.

A is taking more and more steps at 13 months she does babble and can walk well.  Certainly, has better appetite then her picky older brother.

I'm also working 4 half days this week.  I need to recoup my lost from Sat hike.  It will be a busy week.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

40 dollar lesson

As we are on our weekend hike today, Wan and I made a deal about giving our fellow hiking friends who are also vets a surprise thank you gift for their service.  However, my carelessness lost the 40 that she contributed.  Now I am left with the whole donation, which is what I wanted to give in the first place.  Its a lesson learned about putting your money in a safe place so it does not go missing.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Back to Second

Today I had the pleasure of going to the school often compared to my previous work.  It was different to see how they ran assemblies and such. I liked the segment where teachers recorded their  personal stories by using a marker and a whiteboard very cute. The class I taught was in my old second, however, what a diverse group. Demographic is more diverse, and I think more challenging.  I'm use to work with accelerated students and this class represented a typical, second grade class.  It was good that it was an early-out and I got full amount for pay.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mama Happy?

This morning W could see that I was in a pissy mood, because I yelled at the baby and then he come to me and ask "Mama happy?" I said no. He then said "oh".  Wow, he knows emotional words now.

I know I should be happy, but I don't.

Today I got a chance to visit my old co-worker R at my old school.  He is so generous he brought books for my babies and me for my birthday.

Also, I went to visit the teachers on my grade and they look very happy.  I can see that even though I am no longer there my legacy still remain in the school.  On their website, I can see that my old work and projects are continuing even though I am not there.  I know I should be happy, but I don't.

Sub Tips #3

-Name tags for students
-All Call Signal/cue
-Reward system
-Class list
A smile and confidence

Monday, November 3, 2014

Back to First

Fun day at first grade today. More energy needed for this position but after a late start (mom and dad was later then usual)   Things that I learned:

Time Management

Space Management
I like how she uses magazine folders as cubbies for students.

Materials Management

Class Management

Great ideas: She trained the class helpers to fix the every day calendar board, stack chairs, redo lunch counts.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The wave

Dear ARi,

At 13 months, you can now wave hello and goodbye on cue.  Good job girl!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Word Smith

Dear Wes,

At 3 years and 2 months you can sing the happy birthday song with such animated voice, also you can say "Anh Anh potty went", or "mom, where daddy go...".

Some words you choose to use Chinese term such as

deng/ light,
nainai/ milk,
 yi ge/ for one,
ku/ cry,
da/ big,
xiao/ little
shui jiao/ sleep

So much more I know you understand both languages! Proud of my little man.

Trick or Treating with Baby Ari, Porter and Lucy at the Mall.