Friday, January 30, 2015

Chinese First

From 7:30 to 4:00pm 8.5 hours= $64

Sister Chinese school they have 31 kids yet they structure it so during center time they have smaller groups. Early birds come from 8:00-2:15 and later kids come 9:20-3:30. The advantages is during reading group times they have about 10-15 kids each time.

His stations because of design and student numbers were very pleasant. The standing centers allow the students to not only work standing but facilitate smooth transitions.  Again, he only has about 11 kids.

Flash cards
White board and Dominoes Math
Color pattern blocks
Math Games
Listening Stations/
I pads

Other fun math games include:

Cover and guess  11

6 + ? = 11

Toss and write

On board draw a circle. Then toss some counters into the circle. Students write the number inside the circles. 7+ 4 outside the circle = 11

Teachers who have lived here just get centers so so much better!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dear W

I love how when your sis is misbehaving and you tell me to give her a count down...1.2.3 or if she still do it. You want her to go to time out.

Grocery Reams Field Trip

We got a tour around the produce section, meat department and the deli.  They gave the kids a pack of candy and pizza from the deli.  Pretty cool!
A visit to the produce section.

Meat department: grinding meat.

Bakery: How they make rolls.

Deli dept. Wood fire Pizza. Delicious!

Free time to sample pizza.


This morning when I picked up A from her bed she said "Mama?" Such a sweet voice! Today she is 16 months or 2 months away from her 1.5 bday.

Do u love me?

Me: wes do u love mama
Wes: yes
Me: do u love daddy
Wes: yes, I love daddy
Me: do you love candy
Wes: yes, I love candy
 Me: who do u love more candy or mama?
Wes: candy. Mama I love candy. 

Should have known better to thrown in the candy part.


Tonight I asked her in chinese what is in her mouth then she managed to take a grape out of her mouth and show me. Wow she really understands us and chinese. That just blew me away!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

15 Months Well Care Check

Essentially she is short but porportionate.  Both her head circumference and weight is in the 10% only her length or height is below the mean.  The new doc also gave her a prescription vag cream because her vagina adhesion.  Fascinating! One more thing for me to remember.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just another Tired Parent

Today I sent my son to preschool even though he had a fever earlier this morning. He is also surprising me with his mix of Chinese and English. Today we drove passed the park and he said " no, xiao peng you/ or No friends playing).

Last night, with the baby also sick, decide to sleep with her on the day bed. Bad choice. She slept for a little bit and woke up around 1 am wired as I wanted to go to bed. Tried to put her in her crib twice, but all she would do is cry!! So had to take her moving around the bed and no sleep for me for the family team. Finally she slept around 2 am and we didn't wake up until 6:45 am.

Now at 11:30, she has been napping for about 30 minutes. Will be picking up brother at preschool. When your family is sick, it changes our entire routine.  B asked me, only mama is not sick. Well, honestly, I ain't got time to be sick.

Friday, January 23, 2015

4th Grade Day

Well going in I thought I would be in second but actually it was for a 4th grade class.  The kids were good but very chatty.  It's actually not that far away so for 60 a day, it is decent. Would do it agin.

Like how the teacher gave subs an answer key which helps with someone who have not done that math in a while.  She also had her own sub folder with a generic lesson plan.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

First Dental

Today we visit the dentist for the kids. Wes has a little staining on his back molar but just on watch. Ari has lots more teeth coming.  Flouride treatment for both.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy MLK

Today B worked for a half day and spent the rest of the time with family.  We took him and sis to playplace for a mid day activity and he had a good hour playing with other kids.

At   the end we ask him to give thanks and he said

"Thank you dada, Thank  you mama, Thank you MacDonalds" Bery cute.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Two Weeks

before her sixteen months birthday, she can now point at things she wants such as candy ask for it.
Walking well enough that we don't have to take stroller to the park.

Sometimes life is, what it is

B is good he is out to the park with the kids so I can have peace.  I get in these slumps and I can't seem to get out of it.  Talks of the move, me missing work, and stress with kids it has taken its toll.  I don't even talk to my husband.  Must get out of this situation, it is not good for me nor our relationship or the children.

Friday, January 16, 2015

I'm Okay

So I was planning to sub today but there were not any jobs that I feel I can contribute to.  They were teaching PE or Secondary or a long commute.  Instead we had a busy morning going to rec centre, ran errands, and attend library story time.  I'm okay not teaching today, like Dana (former teacher friend) We stay busy!

My favorite line from Wes

"See you mom"  which means look at me.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Little Sis

Dear A,

At 15 months and 3 weeks you sure got sass and personality.  I love how you would engage play with brother by taking his toys and run with it. You also do this funny thing when you don't want something you slap it away.  Finally, you love to imitate words and you can say "xie xie" and bye bye all on your own.  You are growing as you should be.  Love, Mom.

Big Brother

Dear W,

I love how when mom is asking Ari to do something and you go and help me get her. You are a really big help and caring brother.  We just need to work on your focusing.   According to preschool mom you have problems focusing on task.  Mom needs to find out if its a developmental thing or just you.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gum in Hair

Geesh, W was chewing gum and he has a bad habit of taking the gum out and putting it on things. Well today he put gum in his hair and I had to cut it out. Now he has a bald spot in his hair.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


This is what I learned from our trip with the in-laws. Little things like adding water to soap dispenser, and dishwashing liquid or the brand name lotions I gave to them a year ago still using it a year later.
Old fashioned frugalness. I admired that.

Grandmama is 95 and has hard time seeing the cards now and sometimes get down. She is still able to walk around the house on her own and give herself a spit bath.

Ju and Pa like their snow bird home and enjoy activities outside the home because you can sense tension with Grandmama.

They like having the kids around but not the mess. We got spahgetti sauce over seat cushion, chocolate on the couch. They are not use to it.

We did manage to take the kids to pool 4 out of 5 days and that was a fun free family activity!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Chatty Cathy

Miss A at 15 months sure is chatty.  She loves to imitate what your saying and can now say Gege for brother, dadi father, and other people words.  She can also be dramatic at times wanting to be held all the time!  As for diet she eats well.  We are waiting to see if she will be a leftie as well.
From my brother's house. He thinks she will be a musician.

All Grown Up Pt. 2

My boy had an accident (number two) outside of the toilet today but I was so proud of him. He took responsibility and cleaned up the mess all by himself/ without me nagging.  Yes, there were a lot of toilet paper used but he did a pretty good job.  So proud of him.

Playdough fun

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy Mama Indulge

Over the holidays I spent about $200 on and $50 Origins in cottonwood store. Today Mom and I went in for a mini facial and the lady was super nice even gave me a full size charcoal mask plus samples of a perfect world line of product.  Even a makeover, but I didn't like that too much since it was too glamorous B said I should be on the stage or something.  I swear normally I am very frugal and other the clnique and Zhen don't buy these other brands but I thought I would indulge and spoil self. I am worth it.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Family

is great! On this new year day B and I just needed a change form our regular routine so we went to visit family. My brother, dad and mom all babysit the kids while we went on a pho date.  Then I went shopping solo another reason why I love visiting the fam.  They are my sanity.

Sweet moments with my son tonight. As we were doing our regular routine we stopped and watched fireworks for 20 minutes. I really enjoy it.