Sunday, August 21, 2016

Discover New School

 Finished fourth week at new school. A even got selected to be model student for rules poster. Feeling pretty proud of my little girl.
 Two's class. 15 kids. She is one of the few off diapers and goes to potty on her own.
 4's class or pre kindy. W just turned 5 and is adapting to new school and new teacher. It's a challenge with a bigger school so more teacher to "please". (with ms.ashley)
A with Ms.Joann she is filipino. She gets along well, seems to have adapted to new enviroment better than W. Maybe because she has been off school since June.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First Day of school

Exausting. Kids are in fourth week of daycare. W has birthday coming up in 3 days. He is officially off diapers but needs reminders at night to go potty.

A has more words. She came home today and was singing a song about toes, up and down.  Also, a stop and go game.

Here we go to another fast school yar.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Car seat for W

Today $45 but good converter. Once he is older it turns into a booster seat which alone cost $15.

Good reviews. 30lbs to 110lbs.
  • Select a car seat based on your child’s age and size, and choose a seat that fits in your vehicle and use it every time.
  • Always refer to your specific car seat manufacturer’s instructions (check height and weight limits) and read the vehicle owner’s manual on how to install the car seat using the seat belt or lower anchors and a tether, if available.
  • To maximize safety, keep your child in the car seat for as long as possible, as long as the child fits within the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements.
  • Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cute kid quotes

W: Mom why downstairs toliet smelly.  You did that? Because ari flushes, and I think you don't.

W:I found this white thread from my spider shoe. I think its old and is will die.

W: I think I would to be a bug scientist. But I don;t know how to read words mom.

W: He smells the bleach I clean from home and asks "Mom why our house smell like a swimming pool.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ear infection W

last night he woke up from 11-1am because of pain in right ear. Took him to doctor in 8am due to high 101F fever. They prescribe amoxcillin for two days. we were going to museum but now he is asleep in bed. By 1:30 he had a 40 minute morning nap ate little bread, orange, and crackers. Looks better. Doc said that this was common among children under five because as they lay down the fluid goes to their ear, in middle childhood the fluid will drain back down.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy 6th Anniversary

We had lunch together and each got a one hour massage.  He even took a half day off so we can spend some adult time together before kids get home from daycare. I have a great husband.

Last Days of Summer

This day is my 6th anniversary with Bryce. We are like a old cuple. But this year we are getting a hour massage as our gift to each other.  Love it. Kids are in new day care for 3 weeks now and are getting use to the ropes. They enjoy have time apart too, I can see they play better at home.

Life is like this...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

It was an accident

As I put Ari to bed tonight, I told her to get some sleep because we will go hiking tomorrow. She said "I fall down?" (Last time she fell down, because she was running on the trail) Then I told her she must be careful, like when she was not at the restarunt she was jumping and fell off Zupa's booth and got huge bump on head. I took her out and she proceed to vomit all her dinner on me and my clothes.
After saying this she said. I tu chu lai 吐出来 "It was an accident“ . My little has got so much language. Dominat is English secondary chinese.

Love it when she says Scosco for Costco.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Two Dollar Tuesday Lehi

We went to farm country first then Dinosaurs museum.  We then rode the wagon ride and continued to ancient life museum. Not bad for less then $20.  Includes popcorn, photos..etc.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Chinese Camp 2016

 4 days 4 language and 4 cultural lessons. Disney theme. We did puppet show for parents, kung fu, kite, art, science ball, ice crystal using borax.  It was fun but glad it was over.

English Town

Today we were reading a book with maps, and Wes was pointing to the Usa and asked "what is this place called?" I said it is america where we live.  He said oh "English town".....get it, he knows China town, so this place full of white people must be english town. LMAO.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Feeling excited

I start my summer job today. This is my third year teaching chinese camp to kids in utah county. This is through u of u community education and also I help train new chinese teachers for the state of utah. Feeling proud and excited!

I'll miss my own babies, but this way they can have some social time and miss me a little too.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Indian Freemont Camp

Took DaJun's family and Wang family to camp in central Utah. We had fun camping for one night and the kids had creek to play in. Little girl took off her shorts and underwear to sit in water.  We play with ballon, bubbles and hike a little bit. Day time was too hot! 96F at night was chilly 40's. It was short but fun road trip!

W said his favorite parts were roasting marshmellows, hiking and sleeping in the tent.

 2 hours from Springville. Easy car camping. Not a lot of people. Pretty castle rocks and studies freemont indian people whom are ancestors to piuate indians. Petroglyphs are chiseled rocks and pictographs are painted on rocks.
 Nice museum, even has a kid playing area where kids can dress up and re-lived the culture. Donate$2
 Pit house outside of museum. Neat to see how they really lived.
trails were all too hot to hike. Went home at 10am

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Story

Today I saw a really touching story about a father who reunites with his twins 40 years later. I was obviously distraught, red eyes and tears. And I ask him what he thought, he said "Mom can I have ice cream?" one track mind.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Iiving Planet Aqurium

Expensive but fun day at the Aquarium.

$30 admission for 3 ( Mom 17.95 and Wes 12.95, Ari free)

$6 photobooth

$3 Indoor playground

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Potty Forward

Ari can ask to go potty and now can take off her own underwear and sit on the toilet, if she can get up there. We do 3 easy steps, pee, flush, wash.  Still accidents once or twice but moving forward. my girl is growning up. Now, one month and 3 weeks in to it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


 Sis left Cow pie in room. Left 10 dollar tip. All white towels became brown. Tub undrained and full of feces. Yikes! Potty training month 2.
 Trip to Zoo Boise. Good day trip. Small but just right.

Discovery Center $30 paid full price for girl. Idaho power birthday so got free cookies and cookbook.

Bottomline: too busy for us to move there next fall. Now like flagstaff better.

Funny kids

We were watching the movie back to the future of 1985 and Wes said wow, that is a big phone.

Sis was hiding in her room, and I open her door and she said mom I just fart.

It's fun to see from their eyes.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th

Today Bry and I took the kids to Maple Canyon hike, it was nice and shaded. We did it for an hour and a half and had lunch at jimmy john. We leave for mini road trip to boise on Wed. While bryce has meetings, I will take the kids to zoo boise, art museum and more.  It will be fun change from norm.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

New School

Today was Wes last day at Ms.Linda school. She was so nice to give him his birthday present 2 months early!! Ninja turtle stuff. I wrote her a raving review on her FB page, hopefully, help get other parents to give her business.

Ari is just content staying home with me. So I don't push her to go to school. At end of July, they will start going full-time to new school, so I let them rest a bit.  On other news, Sis has no accidents on day 2 and no diaper during naptime. REally good success since we started in early June or 3 weeks ago. So proud of my little girl. New daycare adamant that she is not in diapers. I can see why they have this rule, along with not having parents come and visit. Truth is kids do act different when there parents are around.  New daycare adventures.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Splash Pad Day

Save $20 by having Wes at home with me and Ari.  We went to Provo splash pad after going to my echo cardiogram this morning. Will know results of that next week.

We went to splash pad before open so it was less people, the boy could see me and I could see him. All good. Though they stayed less then 40 minutes. Sis did not enjoy all the people and was ready to leave. Later, we came home and had lunch. We play outside with a ice color activity and now is quiet tv time.

Ms.Linda said they are moving to a newer home, so we might go else where for child care because her school will be by Utah lake.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wes graduate upstart

10 months later. He knows many of his letters. Some power words. Numbers to 20. We will continue with computer school until Sept. 30th (Ari's b-day)

Tumbling Challenge

Today I made the mistake of bringing ice pops to Tumbling class, instead of wanting to excercise they both were crabby and did not want to participate.  I could reason with the boy and teachers guide the boy and he was able to focus. However, the girl for some lovely reason was challenging me all the way. Later, I asked her why she was being a pill she said she was sad because "I ran away, or she wanted otter pops" I will give them incentive, such as a gummy worm for good performance.

Journal write

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Days 2

We enjoy going to tumbling on Mondays and Wedsdays, W goes to school once a week and A just hangs out with me.  It is good to have him leave the home and play with friends. We will go to W's computer school on Wed and my echo cardiogram on thursday, nico playdate and bbq sunday for Zi hao.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Heart Doctor Appointment

Today after taking kids to tumbling and grocery shopping we came home and had lunch. I made a appointment to go see a physican around town John taylor gave me a ekg


From this I learned that I have a Left anterior fascicular block, sometimes abbreviated LAFB, is a cardiac condition,[1][2] distinguished from left bundle branch block.
It is caused by only the anterior half of the left bundle branch being defective. It is manifested on the ECG by left axis deviation.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Missouri Trip

So fun to have kids spent time with their paternal family.  We got to stay in Bryce's Uncle Ron and Aunt Susan's house. Both retired from the school system but seems to be finacially stable. They keep an immaculate house. I told Bryce I have a lot to live up to....haha.

We went to Roaring State Park for the kids to feed the fish. Even learned about the history of the park and how a doctor bought it for 100,000 dollars and sold it to government for one dollar. Many locals go there to fish and fly fish.

The next day I cooked a chinese lunch for them. Super simple. Cashew chicken, peanut noodles, garlic corn and rice. They made hamburger and salads.

For Sunday we had the reunion and it was only about 2 hours meeting each other. But we had to drive 4 hours each way from Uncle's house. W loved his cousins and loves to play and eat by big kids.

The flight from fayetville arkansaw to denver was a nightmare.
Our plane was delayed for 2 hours due to awaiting for craft. Then once in the air a 1hour and 30 minute ride became 2 hours and a half due to closure of denver airport and had to fly to Pueblo, colorado. We waited on the tarmac for almost 3 hours. Pilots felt bad and gave us pizza and ice cream. Even walked a dog in the plane. Jokingly, I asked "Do you take 2 year olds?" Finally, we departed from Pueblo and landed in Denver airport around 9pm. We then stood in line for 2 hours and half to get a connection flight back to SLC, since we missed our connection. It was now Midnight and all is tired and crabby.B cancel our connection flight because it would take 2 days for all four of us on a plane to slc. So by 2am we decided to rent a car $511 to drive from Denver to SLC for 8 hours or 450 miles.  We left the car rental at 3:30am and drove until 6:30am to have breakfast in Laramie, Wyoming.  Then by Noon, had Chinese in Park city. After returning the car at air port we finally got home at 2:30pm. Amen. Home sweet home.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rock Scientist

I wanted to buy sometime before we went to Tumbling class, this activity did the trick. W said he wanted to be a rock scientist when he gets bigger because he wants to help rocks when they get old.

Tumbling Day

Today was our first session of June Tumbling lessons. However, I made a mistake between the times so missed the 2 year old class. It worked out in the end because both of them was in the same session (3-4 year olds) I just had to stay with the girl.  It was fun!


Day 6 in potty training, she pee in her pants while waiting for class to start. Next time diaper for sure. Did not pack one in bag. Thankfully it dried up in time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Potty Diary

A lot of back breaking work but Ari made good progress today. In our Day 5 of potty training,

she has gotten over the fear of the toilet. Second, she asks to go to the potty. After several times of crying wolf, she peed in the bathroom chair. This was great because she knows to pee in the bathroom.  This makes me reflect that they must stay in the toilet for 5 minutes and have activities by toilet.  This way your not taking her every minute.
(In the beginning, did not like to wear underpants. By Day 6 she like having to wear underpants)

-No longer have fear for toilet. Outside of home is different issue.
-Has not pee in the toilet, but will say potty when she has gone or is going...
-Recognize when she pees or poops
-When poops usually hides in corner, real quiet, still a work in progress
-Like using the word potty with going to the bathroom

Monday, June 6, 2016

Busy Monday Mom

After dropping you off at train station, we went to the provo splash pad and stay for about an hour and a half.  Lost the boy twice in the sea of people. He kept telling me he was scare to lose me. Not the ideal time to go to splash pad 11-1pm, too many people and hard to track two kids. Anyhoo, we made out okay.

We came home and had left overs for lunch. Girl went for a nap at 1pm and boy was on ipad while she was out. A good two hours I had.

Later, we went out to the deck to have dinner. It was nice change but sure was windy! Now we are watching Lego city before bath time. A busy day!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Busy Sunday

Today we went to visit grand parents in SLc. B even installed a screen door for Gong and Ama I helped by paying 120 B did 3 hours of labor. It looks good.

Meanwhile to keep the kids busy I took them to splash pad CH for an hour. Uncle and Ama later joined us and helped me out. Kids enjoyed playing in the water especially my W. He even remembers me taking him there. Sis played for a little but was intimidated by the mass amount of kids.

We went home around 3:30 then took a little 10 minute break and arrived at Da Jun (B scientist friend from China) one bedroom apartment.  They don't have a lot of space in their house but full of love and hospitality. W and their 4 year old H together gets really loud!

Monday, May 30, 2016



NICU REUNION party she got her face painted and decided to paint her own face.

自由活动完了我们一起看电影 fantasia 还是真的很棒!我叫他们跟我一起给脚头涂颜色。他们肯定爱死了。 爱丽还看天空和过世的Sadie 说 看我, 我the脚好美欧!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Summer is Here

Yesterday was last day of school.  We did our Second Grade dance and all the kids were cleared out by 10:30 it was very nice. Not as many pictures as I did with Randy but still good. At one o clock my new teaching partner came and she is a stay at home mom who used to teach 12 years ago. Lots of teaching with this one. Parents so nice got to take family out to nice italian restaruant Carrabbas $50 gift we ate 57 plus tip. later we took kids to walk the mall and took them to school park for another hour. It was a fun filled, exausting day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

2 days left

School is out in 2 days.  How fast this year flew past. What a difference less somber mood I am in.  Last time at this time, I was very sad because I was staying home instead of coming back.  What a difference this year is.  On Friday gonna do a water conservation lesson in their preschool.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sad Rainy Day

Today Bryce decided to put down Sadie, she has been ill the last few weeks.  It all started when B noticed that she was hugging the walls, and vet said she was going blind. Then she begin to stay in bed and can't even open her mouth to eat medicine. In 23 minutes at the clinic, B had to say good bye to his friend of almost 11 years.  She was a great dog! We will miss her dearly.