Thursday, January 28, 2016

5 compliments

Today for Winter Parent Conferences, I wore my stich fix 200 outfit. I got 5 compliments. Oh yeah!

Not this one (fix 2) but its cute too.

(Fix 3) Green cardigan, blue mix top, navy skinny jeans, brown boots, silver drop earrings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

stich fix addict?

My third fix- bought it all again $191

New green sweater
Color block blue shirt
Black skinny jean
Tan block shirt

Next fix March 24th

Little Time

A will be  2.5 in MArch can't believe how time is flying by. W will be 4.5 in next month.

Today at state training we learned about how to increase proficiency in children. That is how to  help children use language outside of classroom setting. Such as ordering food or ask for directions to a friend's house. Acheivement is like a one answer test.

They describe learning language is like a sport. You have to keep at it to be good.

Make plenty of oppurtunities for children to create own language.  Have a sentence frame ready and they talk to each other using the sentence frame.

Review what was learned- flashcard line game,  two lines read previous vocab and the end of line, create a sentence while waiting to go to next class. Use a puzzle to cover up a character and have them guess what it is.  Guess what is wrong with my character. I write you guess.

Have high expectations for the kids and they will meet that goal. Be consistent with your own modeling of language. Do you expect full sentences?

To do:

When reading with kids-

First talk about the cover of the book.  Give them a purpose for reading by saying I want you to look for if the cat will chase the mouse. Then shared reading by making connections, and having them read with you.  summarize story.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What a Day!

Found out today that I've been driving on a flat for the last 2 days. Been so crazy around here, didn't pay attention to the warning sign on car or the odd noise in the rear passenger.  So finally noticed today and B took it to the shop. This cost 650 since he decided to get brand new tires on all four of them.

Then got a xmas card from Molly with some torn pages from a journal I gave to her girls. Apparently, I wrote on it about sexy trip to Missoula Montana with B in 2009.  I am mortified.

Later, signed us up to be host family for Taiwan exchange students.  Thought that would be fun!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Big Brother

This morning I was getting everyone fed and ready for school. A wanted me to hold her but I did not have time and W kept pestering me to hold her and I didn't.  She just kept crying and wanted me to go down the stairs with her. Finally, he took control and said "Hey A hold my hand, let's go down the stairs together." He's a good boy!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Relationship 101

Make your relationship a priority

  • Do the things you used to do when you were first dating: Show appreciation, compliment each other, contact each other through the day, and show interest in each other.
  • Plan date nights. Schedule time together on the calendar just as you would any other important event in your life.
  • Respect one another. Say "thank you," and "I appreciate..." It lets your partner know that they matter.
Communication- 2 way street

Use body language to show you're listening. Don’t doodle, look at your watch, or pick at your nails. Nod so the other person knows you're getting the message, and rephrase if you need to. For instance, say, "What I hear you saying is that you feel as though you have more chores at home, even though we're both working." If you're right, the other can confirm. 

Home chores-

  • Be organized and clear about your respective jobs in the home, Kouffman-Sherman says. "Write all the jobs down and agree on who does what." Be fair so no resentment builds.
  • Be open to other solutions, she says. If you both hate housework, maybe you can spring for a cleaning service. If one of you likes housework, the other partner can do the laundry and the yard. You can be creative and take preferences into account -- as long as it feels fair to both of you.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kinda Sad

Every time I put A to sleep, I ask her what she did today and My little girl for bedtime said "naptime" and "watch tv".  I feel like a bad parent.

Before and After Kitchen

6 weeks later. $30,000 and change. 42 take out meals, 840 dollars in meals.  A brand spanking new
kitchen, new floor, and new appliances.  Week 4 back splash will be placed on Jan19th. Still not complete yet.  It's lovely though, having a kitchen again. It was a pill to wash all our misc. dishes in the bathroom sink. Plus eating out was fun for a few weeks and that got old too.  Now I can focus on healthy meals for my family and not eat out as much!

As for the kitchen, it is built smart. The cabinets have slids that divides into sections, which you can be more organized.  I do like it.

Friday, January 15, 2016


What a week! Started bumpy with a crazy parent e-mail about how petty I am sending unescessary emails to complain about his naughty kid not eating lunch and tracking mud inside the school.  In the end, he apoligized to my principal and my admin supported my position saying "You did everything right."

End of week was nice with Deanna, my partner teacher 60th birthday. So when Randy turn 60 in november I gave him cake and e-mailed staff.  I thought Deanna works just as hard, but often not get acknolowedege. Anyhoo, I e-mail staff, brought a cake for her, popcorn for the students, and she got gifts from parents.  I hope she had a good day.  Im happy I can be a part of it.

6 months daycare

So W and A have been going to Ms. Linda for almost 6 months now. My little girl used to have a hard time (crying, reaching out her arms for me) separating from me from July, August, September and now she says "Give me a kiss, close the door mom" she means the gate to leave the preschool lobby area.  How my little girl is growing up!

Favorite quote" What this is?"

W is adjusting well to school, he loves routines, learning, and playing with others. Often at the rec centre play ground, he will see a friendly face and just play with them. Sometimes he is sad when others don't feel the same way.  Can't believe my little boy will start kindy in the fall.

Favorite  "I ask Wes this morning whether he is white or Chinese. 

He said at first white, but then later changed it to "No, I am a Ninja!" Fun kid.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Upstart Tips 4 months

Time really does go by quickly, and before you know it, you child will be starting kindergarten!  Our goal is to make sure that your child is as well prepared as possible so that he or she can be a confident and eager learner.  Let’s make the next few months really count!  Do you remember from UPSTART training that the average child who used the program 4,000 minutes placed at the beginning of first grade in reading skills?  Let’s make that our goal for this new year! We know you can do it, and we are here to help make it possible!

Creative Writing Activity
We would like to do another exercise with Andy’s Adventure, the book on the UPSTSART website’s Kids’ Corner we discussed last week.  Ask your child if he or she can remember all of Andy’s adventures and all the people or things Andy pretended to be while playing in the attic (athlete, acrobat, astronaut, actor, alligator).  Write each adventure as it is named on a large piece of paper.  Then ask your child who or what he or she would like to pretend to be.  Add any additional adventures to the list.  Items don’t necessarily need to begin with A.

When you are done writing your list, have your child draw a picture of an adventure he or she would like to have and then label the picture by referring to the words on the list.

American Diet 2,200 Calories

Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, people following the healthy American eating pattern should consume 2.5 cups of vegetables a day, 2 cups of fruit, 6 ounces of grain, 3 cups of dairy and 5.5 ounces of protein.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Good little boy

Today I was coughing and you hit me on the back.  I asked why you did that and you said "I hit you in the back and it makes you feel better.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

First Stich Fix

So the 5 items they sent me....

1/ 28 dollar silver necklace.  No thanks, Works but looks cheap.

2/ 68  Navy floral blouse  B likes it, I think it is unique but comparable to something I already have from  old navy.

3/ 68  boxy brown sweater, no thanks.

4/ 68  asymetrical gray cardigan sweater. Cute and versatlile but not worth 68 dollars.

5/ 98  My favorite piece purple margaret s slimming jewel tone pants.  I love love this, but for 100 I cant do it.

No ready to quit yet.  Yes, I am out 20 dollars but I get cool fashion cards. Yes, its trouble to send it back. But this treat is for me.

Friday, January 8, 2016

A& W Update

Age: 2 years and 3 months 

New word: Loves to make sounds, tongue click. This year "You farted!" "Silly Mama"

Fav Toys: whatever, loves to climb on furniture, go out the doggie door. This year she loves everything and anything. She likes to get her own apples and oranges. Loves to play with the soap dispenser.

Challenge: Getting into everything! Sometimes hard time buckling her in car seat. Still gives mom kisses during drop off at school.

Age: 4 years and 4 months 

New word: What the heck!

Fav Toys: Star Wars, Angry bird, Spider man. Loves to go to McDonald's.

Getting him focus during computer school. Waking up from nap craby.

ME Update

Age: 38

Fav moment: Bedtime, my own time to surf the internet, sometimes shop online.

Fav place: Rec Centre (kids play time with other children), Home. Since I'm back to work now.

Fav Show: No time for tv shows. Do read the online news. Like walking dead comic books.

Guilty pleasure: Savers run, getting bargins, spent $20 for stich fix (personalize fashion) still waiting on my fix. 50 dollars a piece for each item sent.

Challenge: Breaking the monotny, sometimes not having another adult to talk to. This year got many adults to talk to. Must break away from computer and just be with hubby and kids.

Strengths: Feel control over work. Happy kids are in pre school and like teacher and peers. When I am off of work, I like to do more activities with kids.

You Farted!

Today my two year old said "You farted!" instead of You fang pi.  I'm a little saddened that their Chinese is less and less and their English vocabualary is growing rapidly.

At two years and a quarter years old Ms. A is a total toddler! She loves to play and wants independence to do things, but at the same time still have plenty of tantrums.  She loves school but saying good bye to me, is harder on me then it is for her.
 At 4 years and a quarter, Mr. W is learning sights words "this, for" He does well in computer school if he focus.  Seems better in the morning then after dinner.  He loves going to preschool with his sister and make friends at school.   He is starting to ask a lot of "why" questions.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

2nd Half

It is my 2nd half of school year, and things are moving along.  I am on a leadership comittee, which means more responsibilites for very little money.  I have 51 students. 25 in am and 26 in afternoon.  The good thing about this school and the program is that most kids are on level or above in academics.  Also, high parental support...for the most part, there are always exceptions.

I feel I got this, and am grateful for this oppurtunity to serve and shine.  Do what I wanted to do, but never got to.  I like doing more art, and science.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Quirky Quotes

I was stroking my 4 year old boy's hair one day and he said rather seriously " Mom, please don't pet me."