Sunday, August 21, 2016

Discover New School

 Finished fourth week at new school. A even got selected to be model student for rules poster. Feeling pretty proud of my little girl.
 Two's class. 15 kids. She is one of the few off diapers and goes to potty on her own.
 4's class or pre kindy. W just turned 5 and is adapting to new school and new teacher. It's a challenge with a bigger school so more teacher to "please". (with ms.ashley)
A with Ms.Joann she is filipino. She gets along well, seems to have adapted to new enviroment better than W. Maybe because she has been off school since June.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First Day of school

Exausting. Kids are in fourth week of daycare. W has birthday coming up in 3 days. He is officially off diapers but needs reminders at night to go potty.

A has more words. She came home today and was singing a song about toes, up and down.  Also, a stop and go game.

Here we go to another fast school yar.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Car seat for W

Today $45 but good converter. Once he is older it turns into a booster seat which alone cost $15.

Good reviews. 30lbs to 110lbs.
  • Select a car seat based on your child’s age and size, and choose a seat that fits in your vehicle and use it every time.
  • Always refer to your specific car seat manufacturer’s instructions (check height and weight limits) and read the vehicle owner’s manual on how to install the car seat using the seat belt or lower anchors and a tether, if available.
  • To maximize safety, keep your child in the car seat for as long as possible, as long as the child fits within the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements.
  • Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cute kid quotes

W: Mom why downstairs toliet smelly.  You did that? Because ari flushes, and I think you don't.

W:I found this white thread from my spider shoe. I think its old and is will die.

W: I think I would to be a bug scientist. But I don;t know how to read words mom.

W: He smells the bleach I clean from home and asks "Mom why our house smell like a swimming pool.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ear infection W

last night he woke up from 11-1am because of pain in right ear. Took him to doctor in 8am due to high 101F fever. They prescribe amoxcillin for two days. we were going to museum but now he is asleep in bed. By 1:30 he had a 40 minute morning nap ate little bread, orange, and crackers. Looks better. Doc said that this was common among children under five because as they lay down the fluid goes to their ear, in middle childhood the fluid will drain back down.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy 6th Anniversary

We had lunch together and each got a one hour massage.  He even took a half day off so we can spend some adult time together before kids get home from daycare. I have a great husband.

Last Days of Summer

This day is my 6th anniversary with Bryce. We are like a old cuple. But this year we are getting a hour massage as our gift to each other.  Love it. Kids are in new day care for 3 weeks now and are getting use to the ropes. They enjoy have time apart too, I can see they play better at home.

Life is like this...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

It was an accident

As I put Ari to bed tonight, I told her to get some sleep because we will go hiking tomorrow. She said "I fall down?" (Last time she fell down, because she was running on the trail) Then I told her she must be careful, like when she was not at the restarunt she was jumping and fell off Zupa's booth and got huge bump on head. I took her out and she proceed to vomit all her dinner on me and my clothes.
After saying this she said. I tu chu lai 吐出来 "It was an accident“ . My little has got so much language. Dominat is English secondary chinese.

Love it when she says Scosco for Costco.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Two Dollar Tuesday Lehi

We went to farm country first then Dinosaurs museum.  We then rode the wagon ride and continued to ancient life museum. Not bad for less then $20.  Includes popcorn, photos..etc.