Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Shake it Up

Got more details on what's happening at my old work. Quite a few strong English teachers are leaving for other schools. Parents I talked to are upset, guess its a challenging year under new management.  I feel for the principal. Told Randy that I am moving forward with teaching Chinese pre school, he is excited for me.  I think for me it has not solidify yet, because I am not teaching it yet. Anyhoo, we will be good. Also, mentioned to him that I will return to Wasatch someday.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Nights Out

We hosted a party tonight with the hiking club. It was nice also to have bry's co workers come with they spouses and babies.  The little ones all had a pretty good time. Our dumpling party was a success!

Friday, March 27, 2015

29th Job Second Grade

Local school second grade, totally different demongraphic. Only about 3 whites the rest were all brown. Interesting that although being an east side school they bus many kids by the mall which is predominatly hispanic. My favorite part of the day is center time. 40 minutes of self-motivated time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Animal Shelter Pre-school Field trip

 Today we got see live rat, rabbit and snakes. They had photo of previous rescue animals including deers, owls, 40 lb. cat and domesticated squirrel. The shelter frequently works with DWR and rescue groups hence, their numbers look lower than the WVC one I've been too. You can't help but be a little sad because all these animals are homeless. Makes me think of a student I had Kaycee, who lived in a shelter and when we went on our field trip she was crying because she knew what it was like not having a home. She was also a anomoly because at second grade she read on a 7th grade level.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Activities We Do

1. Go to the park.

 2. Visit Gong's House
3. Rida a pony.

4.Play with rocks in Sawtooth Moutain Lake.

5. Go Camping.

6. Field trips with pre school friends.

6. Travel to new places with family.

7. Play in our Mini Kitchen.

8. Go Swimming at Grandpas.

9. Play board games with Mum and Dad.

10. I love to paint!

11. Shadow play.

We also like to:

Play puzzles, play dough, LEGOS, go to rec centre, visit library for story time, run errands with mum and go shopping ( I would rather not they go with me on the last one.)

First Year

 Nicu 5 days (jaundice, biggest challenge was eating and growing)
 Came to visit her each day. Nice to go home and rest but missed her deeply.
 Coming home. My family came to visit her.
 Her first week home. Slept a lot, but that's what a newborn does. We don't get much sleep.
 W is fidgety because he is no longer the only.
 Getting better everyday.
 Three months old.
 Six Months.
 Nine Months.
 11 Months old. Went to see Brother ride pony.
 Yay! One year old.

Old Pictures of Me with #2


Job 28 Second Grade

At a lower economical school huge contrast from my last school, reminds me of old wvc days. The kids are diverse, group of kids have learning disorders and behavior contracts. It's nice to work on Fridays because I can use my skill and craft and leave.  I taught this class a mini-lesson of Chinese and they eat it up!!

Call Back

My old school call me back for a long term assignment 4th grade Chinese. The subs the new chinese teacher line up for her maternity leave did not pan out. So the are stuck with random subs for the 4th grade students. This sucks because I can't help. First, I have no child care. Second, I would have to pay more for child care then what I get pay as a sub. For those reasons, I decline their proposal. I feel bad, but I can't help.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

She is Back!

So glad she is feeling better and we are finally getting sleep.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ear Infection A

Poor gal had to go to insta care this morning because of prolong fever, cough, loss of appetite, sleepleness.  Diagnosis with ear infection of left ear, right less infected. now on treatment of amoxillian and 4 ml of tyneol for kids.  Poor kiddo, tired family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Compassionate to yourself

Did you do better at something today than yesterday? How about tomorrow? Quit comparing yourself to other mothers.
If we adopted that mindset, can you imagine the impact we'd have? Advertising media would cease to have such a powerful hold on our society. Mommy wars would end. Mom burn out would be no more.
Compassion... for yourself. It's a first step.

Funny W

3.5 years old 

These are funny things you say:

While we were playing a make believe game  you said " I is a doctor" or I am a doctor!

Your red and blue sneakers you call them your "spidey shoes"

Playing with little sis, you cover her up with a towel and say "Ari, ghost" or "You are ghost"

You draw me, Mama!

Wes is a boy.

1.5 years old

What you say:

Uh-oh- when you know something is not where it should be

No-when we ask you a question

You open your mouth wide- acting surprised


gou "dog"

Mommy and daddy are excited about both of your developments. Although, mom is a little sad to see her babies grow up so fast.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Respect, admired, appreciated, wanted

1. Understand that every person (especially your spouse and children) wants to feel these four things on a daily basis.
More than anything else they want to feel:
  1. respected
  2. admired
  3. appreciated
  4. wanted
Take a minute and honestly ask yourself, Do I make my spouse feel these four things on a daily basis?
If you answered no, this is the problem in your relationship. You are probably bringing fear, disappointment, resentment and rejection energy into your marriage and no marriage can survive that for long.

Friday, March 13, 2015

27th Job Kindy

I learned a lot from my kindy experience today. Being that there was two classes and the teacher had many activities that were movement and fun.

Weather helper song- tune of brother john

weather watcher x2
what do you see? x2
tell us what the weather is... x2
won't you please? x2

Days of the week chant: tune addams family

there's sunday, monday, the tuesday wed. thursday, friday and then there is saturday.  Days of the week x5 and snap.

Stucture of Day

Opening (calendar) kids do an activity based on the number of day, Phonics, Shared Reading, Daily 3, Recess,Math

Good Reminders:

                               Walk Around the room concept to write the months of the year!
                               Management; Table points for good behavior
                               Happy Birthday Song- sing it like a monkey, ooo, ooo
                               Theme for the classroom- travel theme in hers

Center stations

Read to self, Writing, Word work, Listen to reading, Teacher time

Classroom resources:
Puzzles, Alphabet tubs, Kitchen, inside recess toys, math manipulatives, library, listening stations

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Must stop looking at job openings, it is not good for my mental health. I do wonder though since I convinced my husband to let us stay here a few more years.

2015-16 Chinese Preschool

2016-17 Wes Kindy, Ari daycare, Mama part time job/ renew license


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 3 Diaherrea

Omg Sunday night had diaherra, fever, cramps, chill from Buffet lunch
Monday ate light chicken noodle soup
Tues Tofu wrap and corn severe diaherrea
Wed grilled chicken, fried rice and spicy nian gao, diaherra, bloating

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ten Signs That You Have a Toddler and a Pre-schooler at Home 有孩子的生活真不一样

Ten Signs That You Have a Toddler and a Pre-schooler at Home

 1. The floor is never clean.

2. You open the fridge and find next to the milk, a hot wheel car that his been searching for. 三个小时,我们在找小车。小朋友的可爱也是家长的头痛

3. The shirt your wearing becomes their napkin.

 4. You can never eat ANYTHING in peace.

 5. Shopping trips are limited to 20 minutes.

 6. Learn to ignore and redirect the constant whining.
你说什么, 我没有听到?

 7.  Constantly doing Laundry, cleaning up, and washing dishes.
洗衣服, 扫地,洗碗,洗衣服, 扫地,洗碗。。。

8. The bathtub is now an experiment station.

9. Partially deaf, when you have two kids waking up from their naps crying at the top of their lungs for your attention. 两个孩子吃醋很简单。

10. Kids are great birth control!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sick food poisoing

Yesterday ate at golden corral around noon, was full of stomache cramps by night. the entire night could not sleep. Woke up around 4:30am weak and fainty, got chills, was hot and cold, more stomache cramps. Day two dealing with more infrequent diahrea and energy is coming back.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chinese Draper

Last night I took the kids to experience CNY activities in Draper. We started out going with Gong but he decided to drop out after some traffic hang up. Apprentaly, a major intersection we were going to turn at, decided to have major sink hole! Anyhoo, our travel time was extended by an additonal 20 minutes. But we did make it and stay for an hour. W's favorite station was using chopsticks to pick up skittles and stamp animals into the zodiac chart.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Today at baby story time I got recognized by a former student's grandparents. Her student was one of my best students from two years before. Funny, as a public servant you do get recognize sometimes. Glad I wore my best clothes today, even with no makeup and all.

What a Week!

Last week, we ended it by spending our typical Sunday at Gong's house. It was a nice change to have family watch the kids.  Bryce and I spent the week cleaning up vomit (kitchen floor, tv couch, tv room carpet) and massive diahrea on the carpet.  We had an exausting week.  Glad the kids are better.