Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Partay!

PRe School Partay! Nice of her to enlist her children to go behind each door and let the littles do some trick or treating.  She is a good care giver.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

End of Life Conversation with a 4 year old

Wow! Amazing article I read today about a family with a very sick 4 year old whose quality of life is down south. She has a genetic diease which is incruable and if  she gets sick she would die.  The doctors say she could survive in the hospital or die at home.Family being religous ask the 4 year old do you want to go to the hospital or go to heaven.  She chose to die at home.

The procedures for this little girl, for the toughest would scream, but she is so weak, all she can do is cry.  My heart breaks for her and her family, because this takes toll on the whole family. The mom is a doctor and the father had to quit being a airforce pilot to care for her full-time.

Just really makes me think, as I have two healthy children about the same age. Makes you evaluate what really is important in life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I wov you mom

Tonight my son said "I wov you mom"! He does not say this much, so for me, it means I'm doing a good job.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Busy Working Days

Wow! So we are in our 3rd month of mama work schedule. Mornings are what you call mad dash. Boy wakes up around 7 and girl 7:30 then off to day care at 7:45am. I do come home exausted because I'm now with kids all day, but sure these are 8 year olds and there is a lot more support.

The day care is nice that she post to fb pics every day, so I know what happend in their day.

W is 4 and 2 months and likes mr. potatoe head, puzzles, and asking alot of questions that start with "but why mama?" He is able to communicate himself better as well. This has a lot to due with maturity and being around his peers.

A is 2 years and 1 month old. She loves to do what everyone else is doing. If you are painting she better be painting too.  This girl has lots of language and often say "what you talking about mama?" and "oh" when you summarize for her. Another phrase is "No Wes!", must be said many times at daycare.

Good thing is we try to do a family activity each week and with Halloween around the corner, we ve been to many pumpkin patch and today the Pumpkin Parade at Riverwoods Mall.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teaching Grit

#5 -- Everyone can learn grit
#4 -- Praise the effort, not the end result
#3 -- Encourage your kids to solve small problems
2 -- Don't pack their camping gear
#1 -- Make your kids make their beds

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hee Haw Farm

Hee Haw Family fun! $6 per person. Includes Courtyard activities, hayride, hayride to pumpkin patch, animal petting zoo, giant slide and animal train ride. We spent a good two hours! Kids are out.

Monday, October 12, 2015


We got to see a show with acrobats today. The kids were spellbound.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sad Eyes

Its hard for me to see my mom like this. I hope she does not feel defeated instead feel empower that she had integrity to leave her former employer.  I will do all in my power to help her find work. Starting with her resume.

Donors Choose First

My first ever crowd funding project went live today. First week, all donations are matched up to $100. So excited!! if it does get funded, I will get it in Jan. 27th.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Jaker's Pumpkin

Family fun for 5 bucks corn pit, slides, hay ride, petting zoo (donkeys, pigs, goose) and pumpkins for sale. Sad note a little after we left hayride, a little kid fell off the hayride and had to go to the hospital.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Johnny Appleseed

On the way to school today I was seeing a Johnny Appleseed song like this

"No you can't catch me, no you can't catch me, I am Johnny Appleseed"

Finally, W had enough and said, "Mom stop! Johnny Appleseed don't sing."


In other news, Ma quit her 6 year long lehi job. She feel mistreated and chose to leave with her head held high.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

For A and W

From Uncle MartyMinion magic color book and 5+ dinosaur puzzle

Kiss for $$

The Kissing issue.

Ama and Gong ask Wes and Ari for a kiss goodbye. Ari complies, but she is still little and will do much of what you say. But the boy is a whole different issue. Gong was so desprate for a kiss, jokingly he takes out a dollar and tells the boy a kiss for a dollar. the boy still refused.  Here is why...

At home Wes don't even kiss us, so for him to kiss his grandparents is going to make him clam up.  Instead, ask him, do you want to give them a high-five or a hug.  If he has the power to choose his is more obliged to follow through.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fun Saturday

A is a sleep. W is on ipad. After costco trip, and trip to the park. We are chilling on our computer.