Friday, October 23, 2015

Busy Working Days

Wow! So we are in our 3rd month of mama work schedule. Mornings are what you call mad dash. Boy wakes up around 7 and girl 7:30 then off to day care at 7:45am. I do come home exausted because I'm now with kids all day, but sure these are 8 year olds and there is a lot more support.

The day care is nice that she post to fb pics every day, so I know what happend in their day.

W is 4 and 2 months and likes mr. potatoe head, puzzles, and asking alot of questions that start with "but why mama?" He is able to communicate himself better as well. This has a lot to due with maturity and being around his peers.

A is 2 years and 1 month old. She loves to do what everyone else is doing. If you are painting she better be painting too.  This girl has lots of language and often say "what you talking about mama?" and "oh" when you summarize for her. Another phrase is "No Wes!", must be said many times at daycare.

Good thing is we try to do a family activity each week and with Halloween around the corner, we ve been to many pumpkin patch and today the Pumpkin Parade at Riverwoods Mall.

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