Sunday, December 20, 2015

40 Acts by 40

1. Refuse to use anything in a package. Especially, single wrapped items.

2. Repurpose things you might throw away.

3. Recycle.

4. Plastic bags. Only 10% is biodegradable. Means it is there for 500 years.

5. Compose vegetables and old fruits.

6. Plastic bottles thrown away, end up in oceans where fish eats them and we eat them.

7. Avoid buying one time use products. Water bottles, plates, use cloth napkins.

8.  Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping. California ban plastic bag in 2014. Making it the first state to do so.

9. Use small wash cloth, instead of hand wipes (baby wipes).

10. If you go out to eat, bring your own reusable container so no plastic is used.

11. Plastic water bottles take 1,000 years to biodegrade. Also, tap water is actually more strictly regulated than bottled water.

12. Make cleaning rags and handkerchiefs out of worn-out clothes and material scraps.

13. Host or attend a clothing swap where friends/family bring unwanted clothes to swap.


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