Thursday, July 31, 2014

Poor Ari

Ari went for her hep b blood drawl but after several attempts and 1 poke not successful.  The head nurse said she is fussy from being hungry and too small of vein.  Will have to go back again…poor girl was crying her eyes out because I had to hold her down.

Meanwhile in the waiting room Wes was crying too from listening to sis crying and did not want to be part from her.  It was a ugly scene.  I'm just sad we have to go back and do this again.

Kelly Temp Work

Today I went to my Kelly orientation meeting.  The gist of it is that its pretty easy to be a sub.  First, you come in for the interview. Second you pass online training and in progress of background check.  Then you can teach in the classroom.  Wow! The pay difference for a license teacher and a non- teacher is only 10 dollars.

They do require you to work at least 5 days of the month.  I only want to work on Fridays.  There is an advantage there too, because it is an early out but you get full days pay.
Nebo schools where we live actually pays 10 dollars less then provo schools.  You get paid weekly.  Jobs calls will start August 8th and online jobs will become available Sept. 15.  I can see why Dana quit this in January, because it does seems much like a job.

I want this option so I can get out of the house and keep my skills fresh.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Almost Three Wes

Dear Wes,

Wow! How fast time flies little guy, you will be three years old in a few weeks. You are full of energy as you should be and very expressive!  It's true that two year olds can be terrible sometimes, but mom just thinks we need to channel your energy.

First, I noticed your making more and more connections to your life.  The other day while watching a movie, you learned about the word "day care".  Then you came to tell me that "Ang Ang and baby go to daycare".  Your making meanings to everyday words.

Second, we started a positive reward system and each time your are good, you get a sticker towards 30 minutes of iPad. With the iPad as reward, he gets more play time and limited exposure to iPad.
I'm proud that we have stuck with this system, going on day four.

Next, Potty trained for 2 months, you still need to be reminded to go to the potty, but on several instances will go on your own.  I have to mentally remind you every hour to sit on the potty for at least 10 seconds or else you just want to get up.  And then there is nap and bed time where you still wear a diaper.  I love this because you will sleep for the full amount of time without getting up and I can have a break.  However, I don't know if this is truly helping you in this process since you are still pee/poo in diaper...

Last, Your fascination with robots, buzz lightyear, cooking is adorable.  Love you lots.


New 10 month old Ari

Dear Ari,

Just in these last few days, we noticed you are really crawling! Just like your brother, You love getting into Sadie's dog and water dish.  Not only that, you also like to dig in daddy's plant pot in the office.  I'm sorry but you have more bruises on your body because of your active lifestyle.  Then, when the family is eating you have to sample what we eat or else you will shriek so loud that our ears might burst.  Finally, We also think its very cute that you like to experiment with your voice, especially, the one where you sound like an old man coughing up phlegm...Keep growing, girl!

Love, Mom.

Puddle of Mess

So today after picking up the kids at child watch, we went on to the jungle gym as usual. Except, Wes had not gone to bathroom all morning. Essentially, from 7:00am to 9:00 am even after several visit to the bathrooms.  Well it was about time.   Wes climb on to the jungle gym as he usually does, and a minute after I hear him say " Oh, uh...Mama poo poo" I thought great! he poop in pants.  It wasn't until I saw a pregnant lady stood up and alarmed the front desk that there was a puddle forming under the big slide.  I put two and two together and knew it was my boy!  How embarrassing!!

Note to self; This could have been prevented had I brought his toilet seat with us.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Great find Sunday

$12.00 includes basket and variety of foods  **Online New Price $25 kitchen
                                                                                                          $15 Variety of Play Food
  Money Saved   $38.00                                                                      $10 Cookware and dishes

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Today Wes poop in the potty! Granted he had 2 or 3 wet accidents and he did not have underwear on, he went to the toilet to poop.  Awesome since we are at the end of two months potty training.

Friday, July 25, 2014

2006 Landmark Conferences Notes

Yesterday, was cleaning out the garage when I found my old notes back in '06.  I think some of these old notes apply to my life change right now...

"I can't change any thing in my life until I change my own habits"

"Personal power is the ability to act and keep trying"

-To Achieve Success-

Always act from personal power

I create my world. That past does not shape your future.

I am always stretching.

Public declaration.

Committed to unconscious competence.

Always act from personal integrity.  Keeping your word.

Committed to W.I.T.  "Whatever it takes..."

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Proud of Me

Lately, Wes has been on the iPad for hours of the day.  Today I am proud of myself for doing something different.  You see instead of Wes being on the iPad just because he wants to, I'm making him earned it through our New Positive Incentive Chart.  True having him on iPad, he is pacify, and creates no mess!  But it also bundle his energy which is not the best for any child, especially him.

So instead of being on iPad endlessly.  We went to the park as usual and came home paint, games, puzzle, swim in kiddie pool and a lot more mess.  Free from iPad, I can say my son got a lot of language he otherwise would not get.

I was able to do this system because I too, had limits to my computer.  Amazing how being away from the computer can allowed one to clean, organize my dining room and the garage.  This is good.

Okay our Positive Chart Rules

-I will obey my parents
-I will eat at the table
-I will pee/ poo in the potty
-I will not whine
-I will play nice

Simple rules a soon to be 3 year old can follow and understand.  He has been super excited to get stickers today.  I hope it continues...

Babies Update

ARi- 9months will soon be 10 months.

-Can crawl everywhere
-Loves to interact with people
-Babbles a lot.
-Likes eating what your eating
-Healthy 15 pounds of her

Wes-Will be 3 years old next month

-Almost potty trained, fewer #1 accidents, still working on #2
-Talks a lot, multiple words were discovering daily (outside, upstairs, penh sui/ spray water)
-Lots of energy, loves climbing at the gym we go to and going down tall slides
-Picky eater
-Very affectionate and loving

Friday, July 18, 2014

Week 2 Chinese camp Completed

What a relief! Week 2 Chinese camp finished today.  I had so much fun meeting new students and working on this play with them.  Of course, all of this can't be possible without the support from my awesome family!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What Would Nanny 911 Say?

Days like these are hard to come by. Even though I am surrounded by family, I feel alone.

B tells me his director is sympathetic and will approve the move to Boise. I can only think of the sadness of losing another part of me.  It is hard to lose the teacher part of me. But I must be strong for the children. Because by resenting my decision to stay home, the children are affected by a mom who is less sympathetic, emotionally unavailable, and affects the entire home ambience.

I've made a decision. I decided I would stay home with the kids. Must make peace with this decision. It is literally eating me from the inside.  Being a guest teacher in Chinese camp, brought back old feelings of resentment because being "Ms.Wan" makes me feel important, valued, and contributing member of society. This is a process that i am currently trying to get through….

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

Exciting Week!

Not only did I start with my Summer Job this week, but we also had Bry's family from North Carolina and Idaho come over. It was a bit crazy driving back and forth from SLC but it was nice to have the company.

My first week of Chinese camp is officially complete.  My reflection is that it was a fun experience for me. To feel like a real teacher again.  The first day was crazy because some did not want to obey, but I had to get to know them before I knew what I could use as pawn.  Recess and Candy always seems to work great! But by the third day, these group of kids from all over SLC felt like my students.  On to second week of project....

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cherry Wednesday

Today took my parents and the kids to Payson and Santaquin for some good ole cherries.  The one in parson we got to pick off the tree.  Pretty fun activity with little Wes.  Gong gong stay back with Ari for the cherry picking. Fun day of road trip 10am-3:30pm.