Thursday, July 24, 2014

Proud of Me

Lately, Wes has been on the iPad for hours of the day.  Today I am proud of myself for doing something different.  You see instead of Wes being on the iPad just because he wants to, I'm making him earned it through our New Positive Incentive Chart.  True having him on iPad, he is pacify, and creates no mess!  But it also bundle his energy which is not the best for any child, especially him.

So instead of being on iPad endlessly.  We went to the park as usual and came home paint, games, puzzle, swim in kiddie pool and a lot more mess.  Free from iPad, I can say my son got a lot of language he otherwise would not get.

I was able to do this system because I too, had limits to my computer.  Amazing how being away from the computer can allowed one to clean, organize my dining room and the garage.  This is good.

Okay our Positive Chart Rules

-I will obey my parents
-I will eat at the table
-I will pee/ poo in the potty
-I will not whine
-I will play nice

Simple rules a soon to be 3 year old can follow and understand.  He has been super excited to get stickers today.  I hope it continues...

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